Get your Time Inventory Guide 

Welcome! So you're interested in building more resilience, and getting more visibility into where your time is going. We have created a step by step process that will help you inventory your time, and capture insights and lessons learned. This guide is a companion to this blog post, if you haven't yet, check it out!

It includes the five step process to follow, templates to track your time, and a guided reflection on the exercises. 

We hope you'll find it helps you gain greater clarity and insight on where your time is going, and what is being prioritized (by you, or for you!).

From time to time, we'll also send you helpful articles, resources and materials. We will never sell or share your information.

Welcome to Mindfulness Incubator!

We know sharing your information is a big deal. When you trust us with your email and name, we promise to only share information that's relevant and useful: blog posts, tools, resources, and of course, the workbook bonus.

We'll never sell your contact information, and we won't spam you with nonsense. And of course, unsubscribe ANY time if it's not adding value. 

What kind of stuff will show up? Here are a few of our latest blogs...

Welcome to Mindfulness Incubator!

We know sharing your information is a big deal. When you trust us with your email and name, we promise to only share information that's relevant and useful: blog posts, tools, resources, and of course, the workbook bonus.

We'll never sell your contact information, and we won't spam you with nonsense. And of course, unsubscribe ANY time if it's not adding value. 

What kind of stuff will show up? Here are a few of our latest blogs...

Retreats at any budget (including DIY!)

Jun 23, 2024

It's time to Take a Break - Here's why

Jun 15, 2024