The Mindfulness Incubator Blog

Retreats at any budget (including DIY!) diy retreat retreat Jun 23, 2024

Photo credit: KitFox, EandRStudio

It’s probably not a hard sell that you need a break. We’ve spoken in prior blogs about the spiking rates of overwhelm and burnout, the huge additional load of responsibilities that so many are carrying. Research suggests we’re tackling...

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Recharge and Reset: Unleash Your Full Potential at the Mindfulness Incubator Retreat diy retreat retreat Jun 23, 2024

Mindfulness Incubator was created to support and encourage everyone to find a bit more ease and intentionality in everyday life. We see so many of the incredible, talented, wonderful women around us with overflowing to-do lists, holding the mental load at work and at home, responding...

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It's time to Take a Break - Here's why breaks diy retreat Jun 15, 2024

You might believe that the key to success in life is to work harder, to be more productive, to be more efficient. 

When things get tough, you might respond by doubling down. By trying to do even more. By giving it your all. 

In some cultures, being busy is a status symbol. The...

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Four Practices & Rituals for Better Time Off vacation Jun 08, 2024

The Summer is often synonymous with time off, whether it’s a few days, a week or more. But time off doesn't necessarily mean relaxation. In fact, it's not uncommon to feel more tired afterwards, especially when returning to work confronted by a mountain of email and action items that...

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A Summer of Adventure: 75+ Summer Bucket List Ideas bucket list goal setting goals Jun 08, 2024

It's already June, the days are getting longer and the weather (at least in the northern hemisphere) is warming up. For those with school aged kids, the academic year is coming to a close, and summer adventures await. Whether this means long days of hanging out at home, or a frenzied schedule of...

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Where does the time go? The common time traps that steal your time time traps May 10, 2024

It’s hard to find a professional woman who doesn’t feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and too-busy most of the time. The phenomenon is prevalent across women, and even more pronounced among women of color and working mothers. Women overwhelmingly carry an invisible workload in their place...

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Battling Stress & Overwhelm - Your Self Care Rescue Formula! self care Apr 06, 2024

Most conversations with friends and colleagues these days include one of the following statements of exasperation...“There is SO much going on”

“I am feeling really overwhelmed”

“I’m so stressed”

“I can’t seem to get a break”


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Intro to Self Compassion self compassion Sep 03, 2023

Today’s blog post focuses on exploring the concept of Self Compassion, and why it is such a crucial skill for us to cultivate. Life can be hard, stressful, difficult and unrelenting.

Far too often, we can reach for Self Criticism in the face of these circumstances. We expect more from...

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Back to School - Easy School Lunches & Calmer mornings! back to school Aug 12, 2023

Did the summer really go by that quickly? Hopefully you had some space for adventures big and small - maybe you were able to cross some things off your summer bucket list? Keep in mind that just because the seasons are changing and kids are going back to school doesn’t mean you can’t...

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Five Books to help you find more Perspective & Ease bookclub favorite books Apr 15, 2023

Reading is a powerful tool for personal growth, development and happiness. Reading fiction for enjoyment helps us build empathy for others (University of Liverpool, 2016) and enhance cognitive function. And guess what? Reading for as little as 6 minutes can help reduce stress levels by up to 68%...

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Decluttering for all! Easy steps to get started declutter spring cleaning Mar 25, 2023

Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere. That means we’ve spent the last two weeks trying to recover from a one hour time change (how is that possible?), including wrangling kids and pets whose bodies refuse to believe we have sprung forward. It also means it’s time to take a...

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Hobbies for everyone: why they matter, and how to get one! hobbies Mar 11, 2023

In the middle of the pandemic, Eve Rodsky published her second book “Find your Unicorn Space”. In it, she summarizes the common experience that many women share: feeling like something is missing in life. That is, “unless they create and prioritize time for activities that not...

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